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Diet and Nutrition for Older Adults

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Healthy eating is a key part of aging well. Maintaining your health and strength is crucial for your independence and quality of life.

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Diet and Nutrition for Older Adults

Nutritional needs change with age

As you age, it is crucial to eat a variety of healthy foods to make sure you get the different nutrients you need.

Eat plenty of vegetable, fruit, protein foods and choose whole grain foods
Source: Canada Food Guide

Older adults:

  • Require fewer calories but need more protein, calcium, fiber, and specific vitamins and minerals.
  • Often take medications that affect appetite or require dietary changes.
  • May be frail, have decreased mobility, and need help with shopping and meal prep.
  • Might experience reduced thirst and bladder issues.
  • Can face social isolation, negatively impacting appetite.
  • Often have a decreased ability to absorb nutrients with age.
  • Typically have less income for healthy foods.

The effects of poor nutrition

  • Poor nutrition weakens our immune systems and leaves us vulnerable to infections.
  • It also causes unhealthy weight and muscle loss that can lead to frailty, falls, broken bones, and a loss of independence.  
  • A poor diet can also lead to nutrition-related diseases and conditions.

Tips for eating well as you age

Healthy Eating Strategies for Aging

Maintain a regular eating schedule and don't skip meals -having a specific mealtime to look forward to daily can be good for your physical and mental well-being.

Eat with others - it makes mealtime more enjoyable and is just as important for our mental health as what we eat is for our bodies.

Older adults should prioritize food safety, as they are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses like Listeria and Salmonella. Aging weakens the immune system and reduces the kidneys and liver's ability to filter toxins effectively.

If your sense of taste or smell has changed, try different spices and herbs to add more flavour.

If certain foods have become harder to eat, consider preparing them differently. For example, for a softer texture, try cooking vegetables instead of consuming them raw.

Cook once and eat twice - prepare meals and snacks when you have energy. Prepare extra to eat later or freeze leftovers.

Stock your pantry with a variety of non-perishable food items. You can use these items to make meals when you cannot get to the store.

Keep a food diary to track what you eat.

Read food labels to learn what's in your food.

Be aware of how many calories you need per day.

Check out the resources in your community - explore resources such as:

  • meal and food delivery services
  • group meal programs
  • community kitchens
  • volunteer shopping support services

5 Tps for Choosing Healthier Foods as You Age

What should an older adult's diet consist of?

Get your fiber: Add fiber to meals with food like whole grains, raw fruits, and vegetables.

Eat healthy fats: Reduce your cholesterol and fat intake by preparing food with healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, salmon, and walnuts.

Reduce salt consumption: Season dishes with garlic, herbs, and spices rather than salt. Choose foods that are low in sodium or have no added salt.

Limit "white foods" and "empty carbs": White foods typically refer to processed and refined items such as flour, rice, pasta, bread, cereal, and simple sugars like table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Obtaining carbohydrates from "smart carbs," such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy, and whole grains is healthier.

Stay hydrated: Aging can put you at an increased risk of dehydration. Adults who are not adequately hydrated may age more quickly and face a higher risk of chronic diseases, such as lung disease, heart failure, diabetes, and stroke. Drink eight or more glasses of water or other beverages daily. Limit drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol.

View our Dehydration in Older Adults Information Tool

Get your vitamin D - eat foods high in vitamin D, such as fatty fish, canned tuna, egg yolks, fortified milk, and cereal. The Canada Food Guide recommends that older adults take a vitamin D supplement every day.

Eating healthily is essential for aging well. Keeping your health and strength is vital for maintaining your independence and quality of life.


The Role of Nutrition in Healthy Aging

Nutrition for Older Adults: Why Eating Well Matters as You Age

Eating Healthy for Seniors

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older woman eating a healthy, nutritious meal

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Last Updated:
January 18, 2025

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