Information Tools
Aging in Canada
Financial Literacy Resources for Older Adults in Canada
> Financial Literacy
NICE has compiled an online library of resources focused on
financial literacy
for Seniors in Canada. The resources are a mix of
NICE Information Tools
and links to a curated list of external web pages and videos.
Financial Literacy Resources
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Important tax season info for Canadian older adults
Comprehensive listing of tax information links for older adults from the Canadian Government.
Important tax season info for Canadian older adults
(NICE Information Tool)
Comprehensive listing of tax information links for older adults from the Canadian Government.
Internet Scams Targeting Older Adults
Canadian seniors are increasingly being targeted by sophisticated internet scams.
Internet Scams Targeting Older Adults
(NICE Information Tool)
Canadian seniors are increasingly being targeted by sophisticated internet scams.
What every older Canadian should know about: Powers of attorney and joint bank accounts
It is important for older Canadians to know how a power of attorney or a joint bank account works before you use them. There are risks and advantages to both.
What every older Canadian should know about: Powers of attorney and joint bank accounts
(NICE Information Tool)
It is important for older Canadians to know how a power of attorney or a joint bank account works before you use them. There are risks and advantages to both.
End-of-Life Planning
Grieving is challenging enough without the burden of making important decisions. Pre-planning spares your family from the emotional strain of figuring out what you would have wanted.
End-of-Life Planning
(NICE Information Tool)
Grieving is challenging enough without the burden of making important decisions. Pre-planning spares your family from the emotional strain of figuring out what you would have wanted.
Canadian Benefits Finder
The Canadian Benefits Finder is a tool that can help you find Benefits and Services that you may be eligible to receive.
Canadian Benefits Finder
(NICE Information Tool)
The Canadian Benefits Finder is a tool that can help you find Benefits and Services that you may be eligible to receive.
Older Adult Care Housing - Supply vs. Demand by Province
Price and availability of Senior Care housing spaces by Province. The law of supply and demand has a significant impact on senior care services throughout Canada.
Older Adult Care Housing - Supply vs. Demand by Province
(NICE Information Tool)
Price and availability of Senior Care housing spaces by Province. The law of supply and demand has a significant impact on senior care services throughout Canada.
How Retirement is Changing for Canadians - Video
19th Annual Survey of Canadians on their retirement planning shows less optimism than previous years.
How Retirement is Changing for Canadians - Video
(NICE Information Tool)
19th Annual Survey of Canadians on their retirement planning shows less optimism than previous years.
Average Canadian Retirement Age for Self-Employed, Public and Private Sector Workers (Chart)
Statistics Canada chart showing average Canadian retirement age for self-employed, public and private sector workers.
Average Canadian Retirement Age for Self-Employed, Public and Private Sector Workers (Chart)
(NICE Information Tool)
Statistics Canada chart showing average Canadian retirement age for self-employed, public and private sector workers.
Working Past Retirement
Many older adults desire to work after the traditional retirement age and their reasons are not just financial.
Working Past Retirement
(NICE Information Tool)
Many older adults desire to work after the traditional retirement age and their reasons are not just financial.
HELOCs and Reverse Mortgages
How to use home equity in retirement is potentially as important a decision as what to do with your investment portfolio.
HELOCs and Reverse Mortgages
(NICE Information Tool)
How to use home equity in retirement is potentially as important a decision as what to do with your investment portfolio.
Canadian Federal and Provincial Hearing Aid Programs
Canadian Federal and Provincial Hearing Aid Programs and Financial Assistance
Canadian Federal and Provincial Hearing Aid Programs
(NICE Information Tool)
Canadian Federal and Provincial Hearing Aid Programs and Financial Assistance
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
To use your HELOC wisely, you need to stick to a plan to pay it off fully, and avoid continually borrowing against your home equity. Important considerations for House Rich, Cash Poor Older Adults in Canada
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
(NICE Information Tool)
To use your HELOC wisely, you need to stick to a plan to pay it off fully, and avoid continually borrowing against your home equity. Important considerations for House Rich, Cash Poor Older Adults in Canada
Reverse mortgages - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
What is a reverse mortgage?, costs, risks pros and cons from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.
Reverse mortgages - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
(NICE Information Tool)
What is a reverse mortgage?, costs, risks pros and cons from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.
Detailed Listing of Scams
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website page detailed lists of scams by medium
Detailed Listing of Scams
(NICE Information Tool)
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website page detailed lists of scams by medium
How Seniors can report fraud and scams in Canada
Take the following steps if you suspect that you may be or have been a target of fraud.
How Seniors can report fraud and scams in Canada
(NICE Information Tool)
Take the following steps if you suspect that you may be or have been a target of fraud.
Canadian taxes when you retire or turn 65
Types of income you may receive when you retire or turn 65 years old. How to pay income tax or other additional tax. How to reduce the tax you owe. How your taxes are affected when living abroad
Canadian taxes when you retire or turn 65
(NICE Information Tool)
Types of income you may receive when you retire or turn 65 years old. How to pay income tax or other additional tax. How to reduce the tax you owe. How your taxes are affected when living abroad
Canadian Government Services for Seniors Guide (PDF)
A guide to Government of Canada services for seniors and their families
Canadian Government Services for Seniors Guide (PDF)
(NICE Information Tool)
A guide to Government of Canada services for seniors and their families
Cyber Security For Seniors Presented By Connected Canadians
VIDEO - Tips on how to use the internet safely with examples showing actual emails and websites.
Cyber Security For Seniors Presented By Connected Canadians
(NICE Information Tool)
VIDEO - Tips on how to use the internet safely with examples showing actual emails and websites.
Preventing and Intervening in Situations of Financial Abuse
Financial abuse is the most common form of elder abuse in Canada. Financial abuse refers to theft or exploitation of a person’s money, property, or assets.
Preventing and Intervening in Situations of Financial Abuse
(NICE Information Tool)
Financial abuse is the most common form of elder abuse in Canada. Financial abuse refers to theft or exploitation of a person’s money, property, or assets.
Developing a Personalized Financial Plan Tool
How to create a monthly budget, track income and expenses and a monthly budget worksheet
Developing a Personalized Financial Plan Tool
(NICE Information Tool)
How to create a monthly budget, track income and expenses and a monthly budget worksheet
Credit and Debt Management
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by debt. When you cannot pay your bills, you need to pay even closer attention to your finances.
Credit and Debt Management
(NICE Information Tool)
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by debt. When you cannot pay your bills, you need to pay even closer attention to your finances.
Adopting Effective Money Management Practices
Adopting Effective Money Management Practices: Budgeting for the needs of Custodial Grandchildren.
Adopting Effective Money Management Practices
(NICE Information Tool)
Adopting Effective Money Management Practices: Budgeting for the needs of Custodial Grandchildren.
Appointing Your Trusted Contact Person in Canada
Learn about who can be your Trusted Contact Person and why having one can provide an extra layer of protection for your financial accounts.
Appointing Your Trusted Contact Person in Canada
(NICE Information Tool)
Learn about who can be your Trusted Contact Person and why having one can provide an extra layer of protection for your financial accounts.
NICE Online Resources
Forms, Quizzes, Surveys
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Provincial Resources
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Resources by Topic
Financial Literacy
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Chronic Diseases
End of Life
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Diabetes and Older Adults
Elder Abuse
Falls and Hospitalization
Parkinson's Disease
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