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Aging in Canada
Elder Abuse Resources for Older Adults in Canada
> Elder Abuse
Discover NICE's online library of resources and Information Tools addressing elder abuse issues specifically for older adults in Canada.
Elder Abuse Resources
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Elder Abuse in Canada
Almost five percent of older adults report experiencing some form of abuse from the age of 65 on.
Elder Abuse in Canada
(NICE Information Tool)
Almost five percent of older adults report experiencing some form of abuse from the age of 65 on.
Infographic - Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse
Abuse can happen to any older person. Learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize the signs, and where to get help.
Infographic - Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse
(NICE Information Tool)
Abuse can happen to any older person. Learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize the signs, and where to get help.
Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA)
CNPEA builds awareness, support and capacity for a coordinated pan-Canadian approach to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect.
Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA)
(NICE Information Tool)
CNPEA builds awareness, support and capacity for a coordinated pan-Canadian approach to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect.
IN HAND - An Ethical Decision-Making Framework
This framework has been developed from research results in clinical settings to support psychosocial practitioners in their ethical reflection leading to decision-making during the intervention process in a senior abuse situation.
IN HAND - An Ethical Decision-Making Framework
(NICE Information Tool)
This framework has been developed from research results in clinical settings to support psychosocial practitioners in their ethical reflection leading to decision-making during the intervention process in a senior abuse situation.
CCR: Coordinated Community Response to Abuse of Seniors
In this whole community model, a “network” is a diverse group of concerned community members who come together to create a Coordinated Community Response to abuse of older adults.
CCR: Coordinated Community Response to Abuse of Seniors
(NICE Information Tool)
In this whole community model, a “network” is a diverse group of concerned community members who come together to create a Coordinated Community Response to abuse of older adults.
BLI: Being Least Intrusive
Being Least Intrusive emerges from the frontline challenges of practice in responding to situations of abuse, neglect and self-neglect of vulnerable First Nation adults living in on-reserve First Nation communities
BLI: Being Least Intrusive
(NICE Information Tool)
Being Least Intrusive emerges from the frontline challenges of practice in responding to situations of abuse, neglect and self-neglect of vulnerable First Nation adults living in on-reserve First Nation communities
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