Canadian Organizations Supporting Older Adults
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List of organizations that support older adults in Canada.
AGE-WELL is a unique Canadian network that brings everyone together to develop technologies and services for healthy aging.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeActive Aging Canada
A national not-for-profit organization committed to promoting healthy aging among older Canadian adults from coast to coast to coast.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeAlzheimer Society
The Alzheimer Society is Canada's leading nationwide health charity for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
CanAge Canada's national seniors' advocacy organization. Their mission is to advance the rights and well-being of Canadians as we age.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Association of Retired Persons CARP
CARP—The Canadian Association of Retired Persons. Largest advocacy association for older Canadians.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Association on Gerontology
The Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) is Canada’s premier multidisciplinary association for those who research, work and have an interest in the field of aging
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health
The mission of the CCSMH is to promote the mental health of seniors by connecting people, ideas and resources.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Frailty Network
Canada’s only network devoted to improving care for older Canadians living with frailty and supporting their families and caregivers.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Institute of Health Research - Institute of Aging
The Institute of Aging supports research, promotes healthy aging and addresses causes, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation for a wide range of conditions associated with aging.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Lung Association - COPD
Canadian Lung Association is the leading source for lung health research, education, support programs and advocacy.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeCanadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
The only pan Canadian network dedicated to awareness & education about elder abuse prevention.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeConnected Canadians
Connected Canadians is a registered charity focused on digital literacy and digital inclusion.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeHealthcare Excellence Canada
Healthcare Excellence Canada works with partners to spread innovations, build capability and catalyze policy changes so that everyone in Canada has safe and high-quality healthcare.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeHeart & Stroke Canada
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a national organization led and supported by a force of thousands of volunteers.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeHelpAge Canada
The HelpAge Canada Mission is to support community-based initiatives through partnerships to improve the lives of older persons and their communities. They develop innovative programs and lead network-wide collaborations to create a world for all to age with dignity.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeOsteoporosis Canada
Osteoporosis Canada is the only national organization serving people affected by osteoporosis.
WebsiteXFacebookYoutubeParkinson Canada
Parkinson Canada is the national voice of over 100,000 Canadians impacted by Parkinson’s.
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