Participate in Statistics Canada's Study on Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences

We are helping Statistics Canada promote a new national study on Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences. This study aims to better understand the experiences of individuals with life-limiting illnesses and their unpaid caregivers, as well as their access to care and support services.

Participate in Statistics Canada's Study on Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences

Statistics Canada wants to hear from you about your unique experiences!

The study will provide information on:

  • experiences and satisfaction with the care received to address physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs; and
  • gaps and barriers in supportive care.

The results will help health care organizations and providers improve the development, planning and delivery of high-quality care for those living with a life-limiting illness and their unpaid caregivers across Canada.

How to participate

To access the questionnaire, select the link below.

If the link does not open, copy and paste the following URL into your web browser

Although voluntary, your participation is important to ensure the information collected is as accurate and complete as possible.

Please submit your completed questionnaire at your earliest convenience.

Your participation is secure. Statistics Canada is committed to respecting your privacy. All personal information collected, used, disclosed or retained by Statistics Canada is protected under the Statistics Act.

For more information please visit:

For technical assistance or other inquiries

Contact Statistics Canada Monday to Friday (except holidays), from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Eastern time):

*Note: If you use an operator-assisted relay service, you can call us during regular business hours. You do not need to authorize the operator to contact us.

For inquiries related to the study on Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences contact us at:

On behalf of Statistics Canada, we thank you in advance for your participation.

Warm regards,

NICE - National Initiative for Care of the Elderly in Statistics Canada's Study on Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences
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