Chart - The number of people in Canada 85 and older continues to grow

Over 861,000 people aged 85 and older were counted in the 2021 Census, more than twice the number observed in the 2001 Census.

The population aged 85 and older is one of the fastest-growing age groups, with a 12% increase from 2016. Currently, 2.3% of the population is aged 85 and older.

Statistics Canada

Chart - The number of people in Canada 85 and older continues to grow
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The population aged 85 and older is one of the fastest-growing age groups, with a 12% increase from 2016. Currently, 2.3% of the population is aged 85 and older.

Statistics Canada link to NICE Information Tool >
Web Page
Over 861,000 people aged 85 and older were counted in the 2021 Census, more than twice the number observed in the 2001 Census.

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