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Alcohol Use and Older Adults

Older adults who continue the same drinking pattern into their senior years may be unaware that they have less tolerance than when they were younger.

Chart - Canadian Seniors and Risky Alcohol Consumption

While Canadian older adults continue to drink alcohol over the age of 65 years, on the whole they drink less as they age with a noticeable drop off in the over 75 age group.

Infographic - Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health

The updated guidance (2023) redefines the category of low-risk drinking to be 2 standard drinks or less per week with no more than 1 standard drink per instance.

Screening for Alcohol Issues in Older People

It is important to ask about alcohol use. Remember, alcohol is a drug! As we age there are inevitably changes particularly in older women in the ability to metabolize substances, even when used in moderation.

Management of Alcohol Use Disorders in Older Adults: What Doctors Need to Know

Screening and Identification, Alcohol Consumption History, Withdrawal, Symptoms & Treatment

Aging and substance use: Understand your risks - Infographic

To stay healthy as you age, here are some things to keep in mind when using substances like alcohol, cannabis, opioids and medications.

Indicators of Abuse - IOA

The Indicators of Abuse (IOA) checklist signals mistreatment of seniors. The IOA (pronounced Iowa) also helps sensitize the practitioner to important abuse issues.

What Can You Do to Live a Longer, Healthier life?

The science of aging is unlocking insights into how more people can live longer, healthier lives. NIA Director Dr. Richard J. Hodes shares some recent scientific evidence behind healthy aging.

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