Exercises for Older Adults

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According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), adults aged 65 and older should exercise every week, including aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and balance-improving activities.


What types of activities do older adults need to stay healthy?

Aerobic activities

The CDC recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.

Muscle-strengthening activities

The CDC recommends at least 2 days of activities per week that strengthen muscles. Do muscle-strengthening activities to the point where doing another repetition without help is challenging.

Mix in activities to improve your balance

Aim for a mix of aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and balance activities

Exercise Videos

Curated list of exercise videos from accredited hospitals or fitness websites.
10-Minute Workout for Older Adults
NIA Amercian Nation Institute on Aging
This 10-minute exercise video for older adults features a mix of strength, flexibility, and balance exercises with warm-up and cool-down.
Seated Tai Chi for Older Adults
Siteman Cancer Center
This exercise is a gentle practice shown to have a positive effect on muscle strength, flexibility, and balance while improving circulation, alignment, and increasing energy.
Introduction to Chair Yoga
Cleveland Clinic
A Mindful, Simple yet Effective Practice to reduce stress, improve balance, stretching and muscle-strength
Seated Exercises for Older Adults
Dartmouth Health
This video includes both balance and muscle-strengthening exercises.
15-minute Workout for Older Adults
National Institute on Aging
Balance, strength, endurance, and flexibility exercises for older adults!
Older man walkinh his dogs doing moderate intensity aerobic activity
click to view infographic
Disclaimer: Doing a physical activity that requires moderate effort is safe for most people. But if you have been inactive, are overweight, or have other concerns, talk to your doctor before starting vigorous-intensity physical activity. NICE is not responsible for any use of the information other than for general educational purposes and no claim can be made against NICE or any of its personnel for any such use.

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