In North America and in most western European countries approximately 80% of adults over age 65 have a chronic disease and of these 30% have three or more chronic conditions.
Nice has compiled a list of online chronic disease resources and information tools for older adults in Canada.
In addition to managing the challenges of caring for a person with a chronic disease such as dementia, caregivers need to attend to their health needs so as to prevent the onset of disease and increase overall quality of life.
Public Health Agency of Canada Infographic, using Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System data as of February 2021 (data up to 2017–2018)
Nice has compiled an online library of resources and information tools on Aging in Canada. Topics: caregiving, mental health, finance, legal, elder abuse, physical health & addiction.
A single session of moderate to vigorous physical activity offers immediate health benefits and helps prevent chronic diseases when done regularly.
Adults who are not properly hydrated may age more quickly and face a higher risk of chronic diseases, such as lung disease, heart failure, diabetes, and stroke.
This animated video explains the causes, risk factors, and symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as how the lungs function in individuals with COPD.
As Canadians age, more of them are affected by heart disease. Approximately two-thirds of Canadians live with Ischemic Heart Disease, and over 80% of those with heart failure are aged 65 and older.
Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that results in involuntary movements, tremors, stiffness, and difficulties with balance and coordination.
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that gradually impairs memory, cognitive abilities, and the capacity to perform simple tasks.
What is periodontal disease?, symptoms, impacts, treatments and prevention
VIDEO: Gum disease is a situation where bacteria in the form of plaque or tartar, gets underneath your gums and therefore releases toxins that cause your gums to be inflamed, and eventually also causes you to lose the bone surrounding your teeth
Early warning signs of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD include: feeling short of breath or coughing and producing excess mucus or phlegm.
A short non-technical overview of Parkinson's Disease presented by the Mayo Clinic - causes, symptoms, & treatment options.
More than 25% of Canadians aged 65 and older have diabetes. Older adults with diabetes face significant risks for both acute and chronic complications related to the disease.
Alzheimer's is a long, chronic process that leads to brain changes, likely starting decades before symptoms appear. It has been challenging for scientists to determine the precise triggers and causes of the many symptoms of Alzheimer's.
Cambrian Company video overview of anti-aging drug research based on the Hallmarks of Aging.
Alzheimer Society mission - To alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and to promote the search for causes, treatments and a cure.
This video covers types of challenging behaviors in Alzheimer's and provides six tips to help caregivers manage these behaviors.
Dementia is not a part of normal aging. If you think that these problems are affecting your daily life, or the life of someone you know, you should consult your doctor.
A recent Stanford Research Study suggests that aging occurs in at least two accelerated bursts rather than a slow and steady process.
VIDEO: Understand how dementia affects communication and learn some useful tips and strategies for your conversations with people living with dementia as they progress through the stages of the disease.
The updated guidance (2023) redefines the category of low-risk drinking to be 2 standard drinks or less per week with no more than 1 standard drink per instance.
Gerontologist Jay Olshansky and his coauthors predict that the era of rapid increases in human life expectancy has ended. Their analysis of lifespan data from Australia, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States was published recently in the journal Nature Aging.
Currently, confirming beta-amyloid buildup requires expensive brain scans or invasive spinal taps. That's where blood screening tests could play a role.
Arthritis is a term used to describe a group of over 100 diseases characterized by acute or chronic inflammation of the joints, often accompanied by pain and structural damage.
The NICE Online Resource Library provides access to videos, infographics, forms, surveys, quizzes, and reports related to aging in Canada.