Elder Abuse resources for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador
How to report Elder Abuse in Nunavut, Canada - CNPEA
Discover NICE's online library of resources and information tools addressing elder abuse issues specifically for seniors in Canada.
The EASI was developed* to raise a doctor’s suspicion about elder abuse to a level at which it might be reasonable to propose a referral for further evaluation by social services, adult protective services, or equivalents.
it's estimated that nearly one in 10 Alberta seniors may be victims of some form of elder abuse. Recognize signs of elder abuse and learn how to get help.
How to report Elder Abuse in the province of Saskatchewan - CNPEA
Province of Manitoba Elder Abuse Resource web page. Including How to Report.
Almost five percent of older adults report experiencing some form of abuse from the age of 65 on.
How to report Elder Abuse in the province of Ontario
Abuse can happen to any older person. Learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize the signs, and where to get help.
The Government of B.C. has developed an Information Kit to help older adults learn how to prevent abuse, recognize abuse when it happens, know how to respond and know where they can find assistance.
How to report Elder Abuse in the province of Price Edward Island - CNPEA
The EASI was developed to raise a doctor’s suspicion about elder abuse to a level at which it might be reasonable to propose a referral for further evaluation by social services, adult protective services, or equivalents.
Seniors deserve to live with dignity and respect. Abuse and neglect of an older person is any action or inaction by any person that causes harm to an older person.
Get help: an adult is being abused or neglected - Yukon Government
If you or someone you know is being abused or neglected, help is available. Here are some resources in Nova Scotia
Indicators of elder abuse will vary, depending on an older adult’s experience. Knowing what is important to the older adult, what support and assistance is available, and what risk factors exist will help identify abusive situations.
About mistreatment of older adults and vulnerable people in the province of Quebec
How to recognize signs of abuse of seniors and what to do when you see these signs.
The appropriate response to elder abuse and neglect is to offer the most effective, but least restrictive and intrusive, support or assistance.
Province of Northwest Territories - Protecting Elders from Abuse and Neglect
CNPEA builds awareness, support and capacity for a coordinated pan-Canadian approach to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect.
Province of New Brunswick - How to Report Abuse, Assault or Neglect
Some hospitals and health authorities have developed diagnostic tools to help health care professionals identify elder abuse.
Provides services to seniors and adults with disabilities who are victims of abuse or neglect.
Health care professionals and/or service providers should use this form to document concerns about abuse or neglect of an older adult.
Knowing about the resources and tools available to plan for emergencies, recognize signs of elder abuse, or take care of financial and legal matters can help improve your personal safety and quality of life, as well as help those around you.
The law says that all adults have mental capacity unless otherwise established. The ability to make one’s own decisions is a fundamental human right and the loss of this right can be devastating.