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Brochure - AVOID Frailty - Canadian Frailty Network

Avoid Frailty brochure from the Canadian Frailty Network (A = Activity, V = Vaccinate, O = Optimize Medications, I = Interact, D = Diet)

Canadian Frailty Network

The Canadian Frailty Network works to improve care for older adults living with frailty and support their families and caregivers

Frailty: Every Step You Take Matters!

What is frailty, and what can you do about it? Animation video by Dr. Mandy Archibald (Centre of Research Excellence in Frailty and Healthy Ageing)

Older Adults and Frailty in Canada

When you are frail, your body lacks the ability to handle minor illnesses that would typically have minimal impact if you were healthy

Infographic - Frailty Risk Factors, Signs and Outcomes

One of the important things to recognize is that frailty is a result of aging, but not all elderly are or will be frail.

Preventing Falls in Older Adults

Falls among older adults are a serious public health issue in Canada.

Infographic - Seniors' Falls in Canada

Falls are the leading cause of injury among older Canadians with 20-30% seniors experiencing one or more falls each year.

Chart - Canadian fall-related hospitalization rates for older adults

Canadian fall-related hospitalization rates for older adults, by age and sex, population aged 65 or older, Canada (Quebec not included), 2019/2020

Opioids, Benzodiazepines and the Elderly: A pocket guide

Physicians are reluctant to prescribe opioids because of an increased risk of falls and sedation. But opioids have an important role to play in therapy.

Physical Activity Benefits for Older Adults

A single session of moderate to vigorous physical activity offers immediate health benefits and helps prevent chronic diseases when done regularly.

B.C. offers older adults aging at home with new virtual service

Similar to long-term care residence monitoring, the program will monitor older adults in their homes for medication adherence, fall detection, wandering, and vitals as needed.

ROPE: Relating to Older People Evaluation

The Relating to Older People Evaluation (ROPE) is a self-report measure of the frequency and type of ageist behaviors.

Apple Announces Airpod Hearing Aid Functionality

Apple announced that this fall, it will offer an upgrade for AirPods Pro 2 users, allowing them to take a clinical-level hearing test, effectively making the AirPods Pro 2 approved over-the-counter hearing aids.

Indicators of Abuse - IOA

The Indicators of Abuse (IOA) checklist signals mistreatment of seniors. The IOA (pronounced Iowa) also helps sensitize the practitioner to important abuse issues.

Chart - Ratio of working age population to older adults 65+

The number of working-age Canadians (15-64) for each senior (65 and up) is falling. In 1966, there were 7.7 working-age Canadians for every senior—this ratio has fallen to 3.4 in 2022.

Home Safety Tips for Older Adults Infographic

Infographic showing potential changes to make a home easier and safer to live in for Older Adults.

Aging in Canada - Canadian Resources for Older Adults

Nice has compiled an online library of resources and information tools on Aging in Canada. Topics: caregiving, mental health, finance, legal, elder abuse, physical health & addiction.

Quick links to Information Tool resources:

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