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Older Adults and Happiness

Hundreds of published papers suggest that we experience peak happiness in our youth and old age, with a dip in mid-life around 50.

Older people are happier - Video

Older people are happier than middle-aged people, and younger people. Study after study is coming to the same conclusion. Laura Carstensen (Stanford Alumni)

Older adult happiness rankings vary across cultures - Chart

According to the 2024 World Happiness Report - The happiness rankings by age group are not consistent across cultures.

Aging in Canada - Canadian Resources for Older Adults

Nice has compiled an online library of resources and information tools on Aging in Canada. Topics: caregiving, mental health, finance, legal, elder abuse, physical health & addiction.

Infographic - Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse

Abuse can happen to any older person. Learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize the signs, and where to get help.

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