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Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Older Adults | Depression and Older Adults

BC HelpStartsHere - Mental Health

BC Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions - Topics: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Self-Harm, Suicide and Seeking Help

Suicide and Older Adults

Certain changes in behavior or mood can indicate that an older adult may be considering suicide. It is important to recognize the warning signs, risk factors, and ways to reduce the risk.

Depression in Older Adults

This video explores the symptoms of depression in the elderly and what help you can get if you are feeling depressed. The video also shows how to cope if you are a friend or family member of a senior suffering from depression.

Screening & Assessment - Delirium, Dementia & Depression

Deterioration Cognitive Observee (DECO) - The DECO questionnaire is to be completed by a person, such as a family member, who has had at least monthly contact with the client for the last 3 years

Depression: Assessment and Treatment for Older Adults

IS MY PATIENT AT RISK FOR DEPRESSION? National Guidelines for Seniors Mental Health

Are My Older Patients at Higher Risk of Depression Postcard

Risk factors for depression in elderly patients

Aging in Canada - Canadian Resources for Older Adults

Nice has compiled an online library of resources and information tools on Aging in Canada. Topics: caregiving, mental health, finance, legal, elder abuse, physical health & addiction.

Physical Activity Benefits for Older Adults

A single session of moderate to vigorous physical activity offers immediate health benefits and helps prevent chronic diseases when done regularly.

The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024

CMHA’s report, The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024, is a deep dive into mental health, addictions, and substance use health care in Canada

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