Financial Resources for Ontario Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren

Many grandparents in Ontario are raising their grandchildren. If you have taken on this important task, you are entitled to support. This NICE Information Tool provides a list of financial resources that may help.


Ontario Child Benefit

Find out how you can get the Ontario Child Benefit for low-income and moderate-income families.

To apply and receive the benefit you must apply for the Canada Child Benefit. When you apply for the Canada Child Benefit you are automatically assessed for the Ontario Child Benefit.

Temporary care assistance

If you are an adult and you are temporarily responsible for the care of a child who is in financial need, you may be eligible for temporary care assistance on their behalf.

You can apply for Temporary Care assistance: online or by contacting your local Ontario Works office.

Children’s Aid Societies (CAS)

If CAS is involved with your grandchild, there are two types of arrangements that may be made:

Kinship Care

  • If the child is a ward of the CAS and it has been decided that it is in the child’s best interest to live with you, you may be eligible for monthly foster payments. This is called Kinship Care.
  • To qualify for kinship foster care payments, you must meet the same standards as other foster care homes. This is a difficult process. You will be asked to do training, get medicals and references, and have your home inspected.

All legal decisions about the child will be made by the CAS. You will have to follow their rules and work cooperatively with them.

Kinship Service

If the child is not a ward but there is an open CAS file, you may still be able to receive occasional help.

For example, CAS may help buy extras such as a crib or car seat.

  • Funding is decided case by case. The worker will ask for receipts.
  • To find out whether you can get funding, talk to your local CAS kinship support worker.

Where can I get more information?

Canadian Pension Plan (CPP)

Who can get funding?

If you are raising the child of a parent who has died or is disabled you may be able to get CPP Survivor Benefits or CPP Disability Benefits.

Revenue Canada

Who can get funding?

  • You may be able to claim your grandchild for deductions and tax credits.
  • You should be receiving the monthly Universal Child Care Benefit.
  • A child may also qualify as a deductible dependent or as an equivalent to spouse.
  • Some of the childcare costs are deductible if you are working.
  • If you have a low income, you may be able to get the Canada child tax benefit, the National child benefit supplement, and the GST tax credit.
  • Some may also be able to get the Caregiver tax credit, Child disability tax benefit, Medical expenses tax credit, and Adoption tax credit.
  • If your grandchildren are older, tuition and education costs may be allowed as deductions.

Employment Insurance (EI)

Where can I get more information and apply for benefits?

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