When Should You Consult? A few tests you can do yourself

A self-assessment brochure:

for whom and why?

This brochure is intended for all those who care about their health as they age. It contains seven chapters that are not directly linked to one another. Each chapter addresses a common health problem that should be detected and treated as early as possible and that is easy for people to assess themselves with no special medical knowledge.

For each topic covered in the brochure, there is a test or short questionnaire to complete. Depending on the results, we recommend that you talk to your doctor, who will reassure you or decide on further testing and, as appropriate, possible treatment.

The content of this brochure is far from exhaustive. Some health concerns are not presented, simply because there are no easy tests that you can do yourself. Whatever your concern, don’t tell yourself that it’s normal at your age. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or another health professional.

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