Information Tools
Aging in Canada
NICE Legacy Information Tools
Information Tools
> Legacy Tools
Introduction to Older Adults and Substance Use
Management of Alcohol Use Disorders in Older Adults: What Doctors Need to Know
Opioids, Benzodiazepines and the Elderly: A pocket guide
Screening for Alcohol Issues in Older People
Financial Resources for Ontario Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren
Legal Information for Ontario Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren
Medication Utilization - Potential Medication Problems of the Elderly
OAWH: Older Adults and Walking for Health
ROPE: Relating to Older People Evaluation
When Should You Consult? A few tests you can do yourself
Elder Abuse
AME: Approche Misant sur l’Écoute
BASE: Brief Abuse Screen for the Elderly
BLI: Being Least Intrusive
CASE: Caregiving Abuse Screen
CCR: Coordinated Community Response to Abuse of Seniors
DACAN: Questionnaire de dépistage de l’abus chez les aidants naturels
DMEA: Defining and Measuring Elder Abuse
DMEA: Définir et mesurer la maltraitance des personnes âgées
DÉSIA: Grille de Dépistage des Sévices Infligés aux Aînés
EASI - Evidence d’abus selon des indicators (EASI)
EASI – Elder Abuse Suspicion Index
EN MAINS - Abre décisionnel « ENjeux éthiques, Maltraitance, Aînés, INtervention
Elder Abuse - Assessment and Intervention Reference Guide
FF-MA: Formation Des Formateurs Dans Le Domaine De La Maltraitance Des Aînés
ICC - Intervention Communautaire Coordonnée Contre la Maltraitance des Aînés
IN HAND - An Ethical Decision-Making Framework
IOA: Indicators of Abuse
Intervention Communautaire Coordonnée Contre la Maltraitance des Aînés
LISA: Liste des indices de situations abusives
La Maltraitance des Personnes Aînées
Ressource pour Former les Formateurs
Theft by Person(s) Holding Power of Attorney Investigation Reference Guide
Train the Trainer Resource
Vol par une Personne Détenant une Procuration
Évaluation sur les Relations avec les Personnes Âgées (ÉRPA)
End of Life Issues
Quand quelqu'un proche de vous est en train de mourir
Financial Literacy
Adopting Effective Banking Practices
Adopting Effective Money Management Practices
BC - Accessing and Optimizing Pensions and Public Benefits
BC - Developing a Personalized Financial Plan
BC - Income Tax
BC - Understanding the Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy: Power of Attorney
Credit and Debt Management
Developing a Personalized Financial Plan Tool
NL - Accessing and Optimizing Pensions and Public Benefits Tool
NL - Income Tax Tool
NL - The Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy Tool
NL- Preventing and Intervening in Situations of Financial Abuse Tool
ON - Accessing and Optimizing Pensions and Public Benefits
ON - Developing a Personalized Financial Plan
ON - Income Tax
ON - Preventing and Intervening in Situations of Financial Abuse
ON - Understanding the Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy: Power of Attorney
Preventing and Intervening in Situations of Financial Abuse
QC - Accessing and Optimizing Pensions and Public Benefits
QC - Developing a Personalized Financial Plan
QC - Income Tax
QC - Preventing and Intervening in Situations of Financial Abuse
QC - Understanding the Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy: Power of Attorney
Retirement and Savings Options
Law and Aging
Capacity and Consent (Ontario Edition)
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Charting Sheet Tool
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet for Nurses
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Confidential Patient & Client Information
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet for Administrators
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet for Doctors
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet For Personal Support Workers
Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Mental Capacity and Consent
Mental Health
Are My Older Patients at Higher Risk of Depression (postcard) (English only)
Depression: Assessment and Treatment for Older Adults
Early Onset Dementia: Advice for Caregivers
Early Onset Dementia: Advice for Couples
ON - Legal Issues and Costs Associated with Becoming a Custodial Grandparent
Outil d'evaluation de la depression
Screening & Assessment - Delirium, Dementia & Depression
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End of Life
Elder Abuse
Aging in Canada
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Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)
246 Bloor Street West, Room 234
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V4, Canada